Clarification on a Neural Net that plays Snake

In this post, I will advise you of: How to map navigational instructions to action sequences with an LSTM neural network Resources that will help you learn how to use neural networks to accomplish your task How to install and configure neural network libraries based on what I needed to learn the hard way General … Read more

Loss & accuracy – Are these reasonable learning curves?

A little understanding of the actual meanings (and mechanics) of both loss and accuracy will be of much help here (refer also to this answer of mine, although I will reuse some parts)… For the sake of simplicity, I will limit the discussion to the case of binary classification, but the idea is generally applicable; … Read more

Why binary_crossentropy and categorical_crossentropy give different performances for the same problem?

The reason for this apparent performance discrepancy between categorical & binary cross entropy is what user xtof54 has already reported in his answer below, i.e.: the accuracy computed with the Keras method evaluate is just plain wrong when using binary_crossentropy with more than 2 labels I would like to elaborate more on this, demonstrate the … Read more

What is the role of the bias in neural networks? [closed]

I think that biases are almost always helpful. In effect, a bias value allows you to shift the activation function to the left or right, which may be critical for successful learning. It might help to look at a simple example. Consider this 1-input, 1-output network that has no bias: The output of the network … Read more

What function defines accuracy in Keras when the loss is mean squared error (MSE)?

There are at least two separate issues with your question. The first one should be clear by now from the comments by Dr. Snoopy and the other answer: accuracy is meaningless in a regression problem, such as yours; see also the comment by patyork in this Keras thread. For good or bad, the fact is … Read more