IIS URL Rewrite {R:N} clarification

As per the documentation: When an ECMAScript pattern syntax is used, a back-reference can be created by putting parenthesis around the part of the pattern that must capture the back-reference. So taking the example that follows in the documentation: ^(www\.)(.*)$ And using the input string www.foo.com in the conditions, you will have: {C:0} – www.foo.com … Read more

Enabling net.tcp in IIS7

You need to add net.tcp to the enabled protocols of your site. Go to IIS Manager, right-click on your website, go to ‘Manage Web Site’ or ‘Manage Application’, then to ‘Advanced Settings…’. There you see ‘Enabled Protocols’. It probably says http. Change it to http,net.tcp. If you want to configure bindings, right-click on your website … Read more

IIS7 Permissions Overview – ApplicationPoolIdentity

ApplicationPoolIdentity is actually the best practice to use in IIS7+. It is a dynamically created, unprivileged account. To add file system security for a particular application pool see IIS.net’s “Application Pool Identities”. The quick version: If the application pool is named “DefaultAppPool” (just replace this text below if it is named differently) Open Windows Explorer … Read more