Variables in crontab?

In Vixie cron, which is possibly the most common, you can do this almost exactly like a shell script. VARIABLE=value PATH=/bin:/path/to/doathing 0 0 * * * $VARIABLE The man page says: An active line in a crontab will be either an environment setting or a cron command. An environment setting is of the form, … Read more

Run CRON job everyday at specific time

Cron utility is an effective way to schedule a routine background job at a specific time and/or day on an on-going basis. Linux Crontab Format MIN HOUR DOM MON DOW CMD Example::Scheduling a Job For a Specific Time The basic usage of cron is to execute a job in a specific time as shown below. … Read more

Cron job every three days

Run it every three days… 0 0 */3 * * How about that? If you want it to run on specific days of the month, like the 1st, 4th, 7th, etc… then you can just have a conditional in your script that checks for the current day of the month. if (((date(‘j’) – 1) % … Read more

how to set cronjob for 2 days? [closed]

From here: Cron also supports ‘step’ values. A value of */2 in the dom field would mean the command runs every two days and likewise, */5 in the hours field would mean the command runs every 5 hours. e.g. * 12 10-16/2 * * root is the same as: * 12 10,12,14,16 * * … Read more
