Publishing/subscribing multiple subsets of the same server collection

Could you not just use the same query client-side when you want to look at the items? In a lib directory: enabledItems = function() { return Items.find({enabled: true}); } processedItems = function() { return Items.find({processed: true}); } On the server: Meteor.publish(‘enabled_items’, function() { return enabledItems(); }); Meteor.publish(‘processed_items’, function() { return processedItems(); }); On the client … Read more

Clone a List, Map or Set in Dart

Use of clone() in Java is tricky and questionable1,2. Effectively, clone() is a copy constructor and for that, the Dart List, Map and Set types each have a named constructor named .from() that perform a shallow copy; e.g. given these declarations Map<String, int> numMoons, moreMoons; numMoons = const <String,int>{ ‘Mars’ : 2, ‘Jupiter’ : 27 … Read more

How can I have a collection of objects that differ by their associated type?

When you write an impl Check and specialize your type Error with a concrete type, you are ending up with different types. In other words, Check<Error = NegativeError> and Check<Error = EvenError> are statically different types. Although you might expect Check<Error> to describe both, note that in Rust NegativeError and EvenError are not sub-types of … Read more

Size-limited queue that holds last N elements in Java

Apache commons collections 4 has a CircularFifoQueue<> which is what you are looking for. Quoting the javadoc: CircularFifoQueue is a first-in first-out queue with a fixed size that replaces its oldest element if full. import java.util.Queue; import org.apache.commons.collections4.queue.CircularFifoQueue; Queue<Integer> fifo = new CircularFifoQueue<Integer>(2); fifo.add(1); fifo.add(2); fifo.add(3); System.out.println(fifo); // Observe the result: // [2, 3] If … Read more
