Return a list of running background apps/processes in iOS

Make a sysctl API and retrieve the kinfo_proc structure This struct has information about running processes.You can run it in a loop until to get info about all processes. Here is a code snippet- extend it to get info of all processes mib[0] = CTL_KERN; mib[1] = KERN_PROC; mib[2] = KERN_PROC_ALL; mib[3] = 0; … Read more

Ignoring certificate errors with NSURLConnection

You could simply ignore the invalid certificate if you are not sending any sensitive information. This article describes how you could do that. Here is an example implementation by Alexandre Colucci for one of the methods described in that article. Essentially you want to define a dummy interface just above the @implementation: @interface NSURLRequest (DummyInterface) … Read more

How to make completely transparent navigation bar in iOS 7

From this answer [self.navigationController.navigationBar setBackgroundImage:[UIImage new] forBarMetrics:UIBarMetricsDefault]; self.navigationController.navigationBar.shadowImage = [UIImage new]; self.navigationController.navigationBar.translucent = YES; self.navigationController.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor]; self.navigationController.navigationBar.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor]; Also, as suggested by Josh in the comments, to put the bar back to default: [self.navigationController.navigationBar setBackgroundImage:nil forBarMetrics:UIBarMetricsDefault];

Measuring the pixel width of a string

On iPhone OS it is slightly different, instead look at the NSString UIKit Additions Reference. The idea is the same as in Cocoa for Mac OS X, but there are more methods. For single lines of text use: – (CGSize)sizeWithFont:(UIFont *)font forWidth:(CGFloat)width lineBreakMode:(UILineBreakMode)lineBreakMode And for multiline texts use: – (CGSize)sizeWithFont:(UIFont *)font constrainedToSize:(CGSize)size lineBreakMode:(UILineBreakMode)lineBreakMode The use … Read more

Is there a decent OpenGL text drawing library for the iPhone SDK?

One way to do this is by setting up a UILabel and then rendering its layer into a texture. An indirect route to this would be to first set up the UILabel with text, font, etc. and then use the following code UIGraphicsBeginImageContext(yourLabel.frame.size); [yourLabel.layer renderInContext:UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()]; UIImage *layerImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext(); UIGraphicsEndImageContext(); to capture the UILabel to … Read more

How do I pan the image inside a UIImageView?

I’d highly recommend enclosing your UIImageView in a UIScrollView. Have the UIImageView display the full image, and set the contentSize on the UIScrollView to be the same as your UIImageView’s size. Your window into the image will be the size of the UIScrollView, and by using scrollRectToVisible:animated: you can pan to particular areas on the … Read more

How to get notified when scrollToRowAtIndexPath finishes animating

You can use the table view delegate’s scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation: method. This is because a UITableView is a subclass of UIScrollView and UITableViewDelegate conforms to UIScrollViewDelegate. In other words, a table view is a scroll view, and a table view delegate is also a scroll view delegate. So, create a scrollViewDidEndScrollingAnimation: method in your table view delegate … Read more

Does iOS 5 support blur CoreImage fiters?

While Core Image on iOS 5.0 lacks blur filters, there is still a way to get GPU-accelerated blurs of images and video. My open source GPUImage framework has multiple blur types, including Gaussian (using the GPUImageGaussianBlurFilter for a general Gaussian or the GPUImageFastBlurFilter for a hardware-optimized 9-hit Gaussian), box (using a GPUImageBoxBlurFilter), median (using a … Read more

Non-English default language for iOS App?

Defaulting to a particular language is not what you should strive for. Suppose a japanese user living in France and fluently speaking French has his phone set to Japanese. Your App would default to German, despite it having a French translation; I guess that’s not what you want and it’s certainly not what the user … Read more
