C++ SFINAE examples?

I like using SFINAE to check boolean conditions.

template<int I> void div(char(*)[I % 2 == 0] = 0) {
    /* this is taken when I is even */

template<int I> void div(char(*)[I % 2 == 1] = 0) {
    /* this is taken when I is odd */

It can be quite useful. For example, i used it to check whether an initializer list collected using operator comma is no longer than a fixed size

template<int N>
struct Vector {
    template<int M> 
    Vector(MyInitList<M> const& i, char(*)[M <= N] = 0) { /* ... */ }

The list is only accepted when M is smaller than N, which means that the initializer list has not too many elements.

The syntax char(*)[C] means: Pointer to an array with element type char and size C. If C is false (0 here), then we get the invalid type char(*)[0], pointer to a zero sized array: SFINAE makes it so that the template will be ignored then.

Expressed with boost::enable_if, that looks like this

template<int N>
struct Vector {
    template<int M> 
    Vector(MyInitList<M> const& i, 
           typename enable_if_c<(M <= N)>::type* = 0) { /* ... */ }

In practice, i often find the ability to check conditions a useful ability.

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