I use a singleton with a member for registration, basically:
template< typename KeyType, typename ProductCreatorType >
class Factory
typedef boost::unordered_map< KeyType, ProductCreatorType > CreatorMap;
Using Loki I then have something along these lines:
typedef Loki::SingletonHolder< Factory< StringHash, boost::function< boost::shared_ptr< SomeBase >( const SomeSource& ) > >, Loki::CreateStatic > SomeFactory;
Registration is usually done using a macro such as:
#define REGISTER_SOME_FACTORY( type ) static bool BOOST_PP_CAT( type, __regged ) = SomeFactory::Instance().RegisterCreator( BOOST_PP_STRINGIZE( type ), boost::bind( &boost::make_shared< type >, _1 ) );
This setup has a number of advantages:
- Works with for example boost::shared_ptr<>.
- Does not require maintaining a huge file for all the registration needs.
- Is very flexible with the creator, anything goes pretty much.
- The macro covers the most common use case, while leaving the door open for alternatives.
Invoking the macro in the .cpp file is then enough to get the type registered at start up during static initialization. This works dandy save for when the type registration is a part of a static library, in which case it won’t be included in your binary. The only solutions which compiles the registration as a part of the library which I’ve seen work is to have one huge file that does the registration explicitly as a part of some sort of initialization routine. Instead what I do nowadays is to have a client folder with my lib which the user includes as a part of the binary build.
From your list of requirements I believe this satisfies everything save for using a registrator class.