Best way to incorporate Volley (or other library) into Android Studio project

As pointed out by others as well, Volley is officially available on Github:

Add this line to your gradle dependencies for volley:

compile ''

To install volley from source read below:

I like to keep the official volley repository in my app. That way I get it from the official source and can get updates without depending on anyone else and mitigating concerns expressed by other people.

Added volley as a submodule alongside app.

git submodule add -b master volley

In my settings.gradle, added the following line to add volley as a module.

include ':volley'

In my app/build.gradle, I added a compile dependency for the volley project

compile project(':volley')

That’s all! Volley can now be used in my project.

Everytime I want to sync the volley module with Google’s repo, i run this.

git submodule foreach git pull

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