Best Practices For Mapping DTO to Domain Object?

A benefit of having a mapper that sits between your domain and your DTO is not as appearent when you are only supporting a single mapping, but as the number of mappings increases, having that code isolated from the domain helps keep the domain simpler and leaner. You won’t be cluttering your domain with a lot of extra weight.

Personally, I try and keep the mapping out of my domain entities and put the responsibility in what I call “Manager / Service layer”. This is a layer that sits between the application and the respository(ies), and provides business logic such as workflow coordination (If you modify A, you might have to also modify B so service A will work with Service B).

If I had a lot of possible ending formats, I might look at creating a plugable formatter that could use the Visitor pattern, for example to transform my entities, but I’ve not found a need yet for anything this complex.

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