There’re a two amazing articles about using OverLay from CDK in Netanet Basal’s Blog
- Creating Powerful Components with Angular CDK
- Context Menus Made Easy with Angular CDK
I try to simplyfied in this stackblitz
Basicaly you has a service that inject Overlay
constructor(private overlay: Overlay) { }
To open a template you pass the origin (I called him “origin”), the template (I called menu) and the viewContainerRef of your component
this.overlayRef = this.overlay.create(
this.getOverlayConfig({ origin: origin})
//I can pass "data" as implicit and "close" to close the menu
this.overlayRef.attach(new TemplatePortal(menu, viewContainerRef, {
$implicit: data, close:this.close
getOverLayConfig return a config some like
private getOverlayConfig({ origin}): OverlayConfig {
return new OverlayConfig({
hasBackdrop: false,
backdropClass: "popover-backdrop",
positionStrategy: this.getOverlayPosition(origin),
scrollStrategy: this.overlay.scrollStrategies.close()
And the position strategie is where you want to attach the template -an array with your preferered positions, e.g.
originX: "center",
originY: "bottom",
overlayX: "center",
overlayY: "top"
Well, the other part of the code is about close the template element. I choose create in the service a function open that
1.-attach the element
2.-create a subscription of
this.sub = fromEvent<MouseEvent>(document, "click")
3.-return an observable that return null or the argument you pass in a function “close”(*)
NOTE: Don’t forget incluyed in your css ~@angular/cdk/overlay-prebuilt.css
(*) this allow me my template like
<ng-template #tpl let-close="close" let-data>
<div class="popover" >
<h5>{{name}} {{}}</h5> //<--name is a variable of component
// a variable you can pass
And here's some amazing content. It's very engaging. Right?
<a (click)="close('uno')">Close</a> //<--this close and return 'uno'
Update if we want to attach a component first we need remember that must be in the entryComponents of the module
imports: [ BrowserModule, FormsModule,OverlayModule ],
declarations: [ AppComponent,HelloComponent], //<--HERE
bootstrap: [ AppComponent ],
entryComponents:[HelloComponent] //<--and HERE
Well, to attach a component is simple change the attach and use ComponentPortal, e.g.
const ref=this.overlayRef.attach(new ComponentPortal(HelloComponent,viewContainerRef))
then, if our component has somes inputs, e.g.
@Input() name="Angular";
@Input() obj={count:0};
We can use ref.instance to access to the component, e.g"New Name"
But as we want maintain the service the most general use, I want to use the argument “data” to give values to the variables, so our function “open” becomes
open(origin: any, component: any, viewContainerRef: ViewContainerRef, data: any) {
this.overlayRef = this.overlay.create(
this.getOverlayConfig({ origin: origin})
const ref=this.overlayRef.attach(new ComponentPortal(component, viewContainerRef));
for (let key in data) //here pass all the data to our component
} of code...
As always, if we pass an object, all the changes in the component change the properties of the object, so in our main component can be make some like
{name:'new Name'+index,obj:this.obj})
See that, as I pass as obj an object any change in the component change the propertie of the object, in my case the component is very simple
selector: 'component',
template:`Hello {{name}}
<button (click)="obj.count=obj.count+1">click</button>
export class HelloComponent {
@Input() name="Angular";
@Input() obj={count:0};
You can see in a new stackblitz
Update2 To close the panel from the HelloComponent we need inject the service as public and use close. more or less, a button
<button (click)="popupService.close(4)">close</button>
where you inject the service
constructor(public popupService: MenuContextualService){}