Geez, I’ll have to actually type it up from Knuth. This solution is by Joseph M. Morris [Inf. Proc. Letters 9 (1979), 197-200]. As far as I can tell, it runs in O(NlogN) time.
static void VisitInO1Memory (Node root, Action<Node> preorderVisitor) {
Node parent = root ;
Node right = null ;
Node curr ;
while (parent != null) {
curr = parent.left ;
if (curr != null) {
// search for thread
while (curr != right && curr.right != null)
curr = curr.right ;
if (curr != right) {
// insert thread
assert curr.right == null ;
curr.right = parent ;
preorderVisitor (parent) ;
parent = parent.left ;
continue ;
} else
// remove thread, left subtree of P already traversed
// this restores the node to original state
curr.right = null ;
} else
preorderVisitor (parent) ;
right = parent ;
parent = parent.right ;
class Node
public Node left ;
public Node right ;