RadioGroup with two columns which have ten RadioButtons

You can simulate that RadioGroup to make it look like you have only one. For example you have rg1 and rg2(RadioGroups with orientation set to vertical(the two columns)). To setup those RadioGroups:

rg1 = (RadioGroup) findViewById(;
rg2 = (RadioGroup) findViewById(;
rg1.clearCheck(); // this is so we can start fresh, with no selection on both RadioGroups

To select only one RadioButton in those RadioGroups the listeners above will be:

private OnCheckedChangeListener listener1 = new OnCheckedChangeListener() {

        public void onCheckedChanged(RadioGroup group, int checkedId) {
            if (checkedId != -1) {
                rg2.setOnCheckedChangeListener(null); // remove the listener before clearing so we don't throw that stackoverflow exception(like Vladimir Volodin pointed out)
                rg2.clearCheck(); // clear the second RadioGroup!
                rg2.setOnCheckedChangeListener(listener2); //reset the listener
                Log.e("XXX2", "do the work");

    private OnCheckedChangeListener listener2 = new OnCheckedChangeListener() {

        public void onCheckedChanged(RadioGroup group, int checkedId) {
            if (checkedId != -1) {
                Log.e("XXX2", "do the work");

To get the checked RadioButton from the RadioGroups you could do:

int chkId1 = rg1.getCheckedRadioButtonId();
int chkId2 = rg2.getCheckedRadioButtonId();
int realCheck = chkId1 == -1 ? chkId2 : chkId1;

If you use the check() method of the RadioGroup you have to remember to call clearCheck() on the other Radiogroup.

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