Cannot install Python 3.7 on osx-arm64

No native builds available

Since Python 3.8 had been released for about a year when Apple Silicon hit the market, Python 3.7 builds for osx-arm64 were never part of the regular build matrix for Conda Forge.

Workaround: Emulate

Immediate alternatives for using 3.7 on Apple Silicon systems would be to emulate x86_64 with Rosetta or use a container system, e.g., Docker.

Creating osx-64 environments

Similar to what one does for running win-32 environments on x86_64 machines, one can create osx-64 environments like

## create empty environment
conda create -n py37

## activate
conda activate py37

## use x86_64 architecture channel(s)
conda config --env --set subdir osx-64

## install python, numpy, etc. (add more packages here...)
conda install python=3.7 numpy

⚠️ Important Note: Be sure to always activate this environment before installing packages. Otherwise, the default CONDA_SUBDIR value (osx-arm64) may be active and could result in mixing architectures in the same environment.

Note that MacOS will automatically recognize the architecture and run through Rosetta – one need not do anything special.

Requesting native build

Longer term, you could try requesting that the python-feedstock include a 3.7 build for osx-arm64. However, 3.7.12 (Sept. 2021) was technically the final feature release, and it has now entered the maintenance-only phase (see PEP 537). Also, other packages that build Python-version-specific variants would not be built for osx-arm64, so even if one had python=3.7, the packages wouldn’t be there (at least not through Conda). Basically, I wouldn’t bet on anyone taking this up.

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