Personally, I think that a closer solution to your needs is the use of NSInvocation.
Something like the following will do the work:
indexPath and dataSource are two instance variables defined in the same method.
SEL aSelector = NSSelectorFromString(@"dropDownSelectedRow:withDataSource:");
if([dropDownDelegate respondsToSelector:aSelector]) {
NSInvocation *inv = [NSInvocation invocationWithMethodSignature:[dropDownDelegate methodSignatureForSelector:aSelector]];
[inv setSelector:aSelector];
[inv setTarget:dropDownDelegate];
[inv setArgument:&(indexPath) atIndex:2]; //arguments 0 and 1 are self and _cmd respectively, automatically set by NSInvocation
[inv setArgument:&(dataSource) atIndex:3]; //arguments 0 and 1 are self and _cmd respectively, automatically set by NSInvocation
[inv invoke];