Try this:
version(:full) { process(:resize_to_limit => [960, 960]) }
version(:half) { process(:resize_to_limit => [470, 470]) }
version(:third) { process(:resize_to_limit => [306, 306]) }
version(:fourth) { process(:resize_to_limit => [176, 176]) }
You have a precedence problem. The { }
block binds tighter than a do...end
block and tighter than a method call; the result is that Ruby thinks you’re trying to supply a block as an argument to a symbol and says no.
You can see a clearer (?) or possibly more familar example by comparing the following:
[1, 2, 3].inject 0 { |x, y| x + y }
[1, 2, 3].inject(0) { |x, y| x + y }