You can get the pixel from the view like this:
ImageView imageView = ((ImageView)v);
Bitmap bitmap = ((BitmapDrawable)imageView.getDrawable()).getBitmap();
int pixel = bitmap.getPixel(x,y);
Now you can get each channel with:
int redValue =;
int blueValue =;
int greenValue =;
The Color functions return the value in each channel. So all you have to do is check if Red is 255 and green and blue are 0, than set the textView text to “it is red”. Just pay attention that saying that something is red is not simply that the red channel is the greater than zero. ‘Cos 255-Green and 255-Red is yellow, of course.
You can also just compare the pixel to different color.
for example:
if(pixel == Color.MAGENTA){
textView.setText("It is Magenta");
Hope it helps.