How can I generate different random values in Haskell?

There are two problems with your code:

  1. You are calling unsafePerformIO, but explicitly violating the contract of that function. It is on you to prove that the thing you provide to unsafePerformIO is actually pure, and the compiler is within its rights to act as if that’s the case, and here it is definitely not.
  2. You are not carefully tracking the updated random number generator state after using it. Indeed, it is not possible to do this correctly with randomRs; if you use randomRs, then to a first approximation, that must be the last randomness your program needs.

The simplest fix to both of these is to admit that you really, truly are doing IO. So:

import Control.Monad
import System.Random

randomize :: String -> IO String
randomize "random" = replicateM 10 (randomRIO ('a', 'z'))
randomize other = pure other

Try it out in ghci:

> traverse randomize ["random", "foo", "random", "bar", "random", "boo"]

There is no call to unsafePerformIO, and so no proof burden to shirk; and randomRIO tracks the updated generator state for you in a hidden IORef, and so you correctly continue advancing it on each call.

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